Schools Individuals The Bedfordshire Schools Individual Competition takes place on Monday 7th March 2022 for Under 11 Boys and Girls and Monday 14th March 2022 for Under 13 Boys & Girls at the Sports Hall, Lincroft School, Station Road, Oakley MK43 7RE. The closing date for entries is Friday 4th March 2022. Payment must be made either by cash or cheque, made payable to Bedfordshire Schools TTA. Please send the entry fee of £3 to Mr J R Alsop, Beds Schools TTA, 4 Fox Hedge Way, Sharnbrook, Beds MK44 1JR. Please enclose the student's name with payment either on a slip of paper or on the back of the cheque. PAYMENT CANNOT BE MADE ON THE DAY. Once payment has been received you will receive an acknowledgement back confirming the student's entry into the competition. Student First Name: Student Last Name U11 Event - for students in Years 6 and below U11 Boys Singles: YesNo U11 Girls Singles: YesNo U13 Event - for students in Years 7 and 8 U13 Boys Singles: YesNo U13 Girls Singles: YesNo I agree to the administration of first aid by suitably qualified first aiders in the event of an accident: YesNo I agree to the taking of photographs of my child for the purposes of marketing and publicity: YesNo I have made the organisers aware of any medical condition or special needs: YesNo If appropriate, please specify any medical condition / medication / special needs below: Parent/Carer Full Name: Email Address: Emergency Contact Phone Number: